- Opus 351 - 375
- Opus 326 - 350
- Opus 301 - 325
- Opus 276 - 300
- Opus 251 - 275
- Opus 226 - 250
- Opus 201 - 225
- Opus 176 - 200
- Opus 151 - 175
- Opus 126 - 150
- Opus 101 - 125
- Opus 76 - 100
- Opus 51 - 75
- Opus 26 - 50
- opus 1 - 25
- Tone of The Day
- Chord of the Day
- Familiar / Serial compositions
- Manifestos & Squads
- IWS 36 & The Whatevers
Peter Wallin Opus 201 - 225
(2011 - 2016)
01. SPACE II (2011)
Tone of the Day - Music of the Year
Metal Mallet Instruments ad lib.
A melodic canon. Space can be enormous - or minimal - or anything in between. Choose your (ensembles) part in space, and perform it Wherever, Whenever, with Whoever, However, on Whatever (Metal Mallet Instrument) in realtime. Remember though... The scene can be anywhere & anytime... The melodic source is served - You decide of the Space form.
Not performed yet!
202. SPACE III (2012)
"Beyond the Pleiades"
Concerto for Aluphone / Vibraphone & Strings
Tone of the Day - Music of Month 1
Aluphone / Vibraphone Solo
Large String Orchestra / 13 Solo Strings (6 Vln., 3 Vla., 2 Cello, 2 DB
App. 45 min.
Welcome to a new instrument on the instrumental scene - The Aluphone. Not a traditional concerto (solo + orchestra), but more like a Orchestral Concerto. 3 movements and a coda - played attacca. All movements (and the Coda) can be played individually, without any artistic loss. Or complete as a concerto.
Not performed yet!
203. PAS DE TROIS - A BALLET (2012)
A Rendez-Vous
Beatbox / Percussion
Moped Event 1-4
Not longer than 4´32´´
Based on moments from composer Carl Nielsens Symphony Nos. 4 & 6, this composition serve Moped Phenomenons presented in a kind of untraditional form - Moped Dancing! Kind of Palindromical action throughout - almost, but not quite...
First performances (2 times):
2012-06-09 Carl Nielsenskolen Nr. Lyndelse (Denmark)
Members of Youth Club Faaborg-Midtfyn
Choreographer: Søren Jensen
204. TUBES (2012)
1. Intro
2. Intermezzo 1
3. In a Vision
4. Invasion
5. Invisiona
6. Intermezzo 2
7. Outro
Tubular Bells
Water Tubular Bells
Pasta Penne
Mat Tubes
Whirling Tubes
Iron Tubes
Audience Flashlights
22-25 min.
Making music over Tube formed devices - most of them not normally suggested to be music instruments. A kind of celebration to John Cage - 100 years young in 2012.
First performance:
Movement 3:
2012-09-15 Kulturskolan Lund (Sweden)
Quartetto Qabrako
Complete suite:
2012-10-25 Årslevhallen Årslev (Denmark)
Percussion pupils & teachers from Faaborg-Midtfyn Musikskole
Cond. Peter Wallin
205. SPACE IV (2012)
"Headbanging on the edge of a black hole"
Tone of the Day - Music of Week 16
2 Flutes
1 Clarinet in Bb
2 Muted Trumpets in Bb
2 Timpany (1 player)
Log Drum
Bass Drum
3 Guitars
3 Pianos
2 Organs
3 Voices
5 Violins
2 Violas
2 Celli
1 Double Bass
Piano parts can almost be played on 1 Piano Organ parts can be played on 1 Organ All parts solo, or in sections.
8-10 min.
The Black Hole - one of the most powerful phenomenons in the Space we know about. This is VERY rude, VERY harsh, VERY whatever... VERY is the keyword here! This is one to fear...
Commissioned by Jens Bloch
First performance (short version):
2013-04-20 Brødremenighedens Kirke Christiansfeld (Denmark)
Sinfonietta MGKSyd
Cond. Anne Cathrine Kielland Lund
Chord of the Day - Music of Week 2
1. Starting up
2. Close...
3. The guy from Filskov
4. Bass dance
5. The Filskov Bump
6. So long since...
7. Goin´ further on
Melody & Chords - to be played / performed the Manifesto way!
John Skou - the fabulous Bass (electric & acoustic) player - and my dear friend! To celebrate his 50 years of life!
Not performed yet!
Tone of the Day - NUO Tones
Movements & Scoring:
1. Uvertyr (12 saws)
2. Vakna! no. 1 (Recitation & Synchronized Sofa
3. Vakna upp! no 1 (Recitation, Viola & Alp Horn)
4. Metal Ode (Recitation & Machine Gun)
5. Intermezzo no. 1 (Viola Solo)
6. Behag... (Recitation & 4 Wood Blocks)
7. Varför? (Recitation & Bassoon)
8. Äntligen! (Recitation, Viola & Cello)
9. En dag, ett tåg (Recitation & Violin)
10. Intermezzo no. 2 (Violin Solo)
11. Hjälp mig att hitta det (Recitation, Viola 1-4 & Cello)
12. Varför är det så dystert? (Recitation & Synchronized Sofa)
13. Intermezzo no. 3 (4 Captain Morgan Rhum Bottles, Viola 1-4 & Cello)
14. Livet begår, livet består (Viola 1-4 & Cello)
15. Vakna upp! no. 2 (Recitation & Double Bass)
16. Kärlekens tåg (Violin & Cello)
17. Tidernas begynnelse (Singing Viola 1-3 & Cello (or Instruments & Choir)
18. Morgonens dag (Recitation & Whirling Tubes)
19. Vakna! no. 2 (Recitation & Synchronized Sofa)
von Falkenstein
All texts in Swedish!
A tribute to Karl-Erik Welin (80 years) & Nordiska Ungdomsorkestern - and the style and sense of both!
Dedicated to "Kopulativet Stortorget 9"
First performance:
Movement No. 4 & 17:
2014-06-24 Stortorget Lund (Sweden)
Erik Rönér, Johannes Elmberg, Peer Munkgaard, Carl-Magnus Trygg, Alexandra Hjortswang & Peter Wallin
Complete suite:
2014-06-25 Medborgarhuset Genarp (Sweden)
Peter Wallin, Peer Munkgaard & Carl-Magnus Trygg (Recitation)
Ensemble Stortorget 9 (members from Nordiska Ungdomsorkestern 2014)
208. 7 CORNY PIECES (2014)
Tone of the Day - Music of Week 30
1. The little one (Walk the walk)
2. The vanishing one (Run!)
3. Intermezzietta (The (very) small bridge)
4. The indifferent one (Walk the walk...?)
5. The jumping one (Shake, Shake, Shake, Shake)
6. The bamboozled one (Don´t walk the walk (anymore))
7. The finished one (End it up, for Christ´s sake!!!)
Version 1:
Marimba Solo
Version 2:
Bass Clarinet & Marimba
10 min.
Keeping on the Divertimento style from von Falkenstein - only just plain instrumental this time...
Dedicated to
Jesper Eg Pedersen (Version 1)
Duo Clarimba (Version 2)
First performances:
Version 1 - No. 1:
2018-10-25 Biblioteket Vejle (Denmark)
Peter Wallin
Version 1 - No. 6:
2021-06-15 Haderslev gl. kirke (Denmark)
Peter Wallin
209. EI SAA PEITTÄÄ (2014)
Grand Piano Solo
3 min.
A tribute to Signe Thule Hansen - founder & 40 years as boss for the Lyt Aktivt Music Society in Esbjerg. A true Fanfare Festivo Furioso - and note the "furioso"... I really mean it here!
Dedicated to Signe Thule Hansen
First performance:
2015-04-19 Kulturskolen Esbjerg (Denmark)
Signe Thule Hansen
Wooden Frog Shaped Guiro Instruments ad lib.
A free form composition, with many possibilities to perform - live or electronic. With memories from the market in Los Christianos (Tenerife, Spain), where the instruments for this composition were bought in january 2013 & 2015.
Dedicated to the memory of calmness in society
First performance:
Performing artists & Locations:
Laila Nielsen in Thorshavn (Faroe Islands)
Peter Wallin in Brørup (Denmark)
Carl-Magnus Trygg in Lund (Sweden)
Performing time:
Laila Nielsen at 10.41 (total solar eclipse)
Peter Wallin at 10.46 (80% solar eclipse)
Carl-Magnus Trygg at 10.51 (80% solar eclipse)
211. DJØFONI Nr. 1 (2015-16)
2222 4320 10 Strings
15 min.
The Djøphony - a new kind of piece, where several important parts of a composition is missing - conscious! New Public Management - accused by many of the "Excelification" of Danish society - is the main target - the humans in Denmark are the suffering part. No. 1 is about money saving - by excluding important parts of a former composition - in the name of saving money. The base of the composition is my 2nd Symphony from 1997 - in this Djøfophonic version 4 parts short. Perform them separately - or right after each other.
Not performed yet!
3*3*3*3* 4331 15 Strings
4 min.
The comprimation of a 90 minute symphony (Symphony No. 1 - "The Visitor" (1987, Opus 13)) to 4 minutes - with all the important moves, themes and moods intact!. This is what "The Symphony Race" (Opus 14, 1987) should have sounded if I had the time to compose it in a proper manner at that time. Composed as a "Hello and thank you very much" to Nordiska Ungdomsorkestern in Lund (Sweden) for all the fun of "The Johnny K. Fight Song" in 2005, and for "von Falkenstein - en underhållning" in 2014. We had a great time there! :-)
Not performed yet!
213. ... IN SPACE (2015)
A. PIGS in Space
Marimba Solo + Pig Sounds & Acting ad lib.
B. FROGS in Space
Marimba Solo + Frog Sounds & Acting ad lib.
C. FAGGOTS in Space
Marimba Solo + Faggot Sounds & Acting ad lib.
D. BIRDS in Space
Marimba Solo + Bird Sounds & Acting ad lib.
At least 5 min.
Start of story: I´m a Muppet Show Fanatic! The possibility to combine my & their worlds, in the Wallinsky kind of style, was obvious, when I collected a couple of artificial pig pets (the start of the Pigophone...)
After the start of the composition proces, I realized that it was a simple thing to show off the idea to any other thing possible - these here above combinations are just the composed variants (yet). Further ones to come... :-) End of story! Open in mind - partly score proceeded in the performance moment... Watch out! :-)
The composition is groundly based on the original "Space" (1984, Opus 4).
First performances:
PIGS in Space:
2015-09-19 Kulturskolan Lund (Sweden)
Peter Wallin (Marimba) Carl-Magnus Trygg (Boss of Pigs)
The rest: Not performed yet!
214. BRAK Nr. 1-7 (2015-23)
Tone of the Day - Music of week 51
Nr. 1.
"The (No) Way to the Beetroot pasport" - for Otamatone de Luxe, Grand Piano & Door (2015)
Nr. 2.
"The real life Danish Christmas Carol..." for Jingle Bells, Electronic Jingle Bells Sextet, Instruments ad lib., Julefrokost Group, Shopaholic Group & Keyboard instrument (2015 - Christmas Trilogy - Part 1)
Nr. 3.
"The Revenge of God!" for Pigophone & Organ (2015 - Christmas Trilogy - Part 3)
Nr. 4
"Allegro con Spiritus et Pivo" -Trio for Liquor and Beer (2016) - IN PROGRESS!
Nr. 5.
Brak Nr. 5 for Double Bass and (Grand Piano) (2023)
Nr. 6.
Coming up! :-)
Nr. 7.
"D.S.H.D." for Soprano Saxophone and Organ (2020)
A reflection about how the Danish government / people reacts to the things that happens right now in the Danish environment - and also a bit of personal experiences in the national nationality business, and some actual Christmas moods...
First performances:
No. 1:
2015-09-19 Kulturskolan Lund (Sweden)
Carl-Magnus Trygg (Otamatone de Luxe & Door) & Peter Wallin (Grand Piano)
No. 2:
2016-10-14 to 2016-12-26 Worldwide
Started at Godtfredsens Musik with Jonna Godtfredsen & Peter Wallin playing the start of the Jingle Bell part in Ringe (Denmark)
Laila Nielsen started the Shopaholic part 2016-10-20 in Thorshavn (Faroe Islands).
Peter Wallin started the Instruments Ad. Lib part 2016-10-24 in Årslev (Denmark) playing the Marimba
The Julefrokost Group part started at 2016-11-18 at Søgården Brørup (Denmark).
The rest:
Not performed yet!
215. SPECK WALZER (2015)
Original version:
5 Marimba parts & Pigophone
2nd version:
5 Marimba Parts (using 2 Instruments) & Pigophone
3rd version:
5 Marimba Parts (using 2 Instruments) & Pigophone - with free Countermelody
6 min.
Made a deal with marimba teacher Jesper Eg Pedersen to create some music for the newly developed instrument - the Pigophone - to the members of his band New Vibes at the Faaborg-Midtfyn Music School. This is (probably) the second score in the universe (Jesper made the first, the lovely "Pigs go tom town" for Marimba Trio & Pigophone) for the instrument - the first spinoff piece from the von Falkenstein Suite (2014, Opus 207).
First performances:
2nd Version:
2015-12-17 Sdr. Broby Kirke (Denmark)
Members from New Vibes + P.W. (Pigophone)
3nd Version:
2016-11-02 Polymeren Årslev (Denmark)
Ensemble Los Grandes Cerdos
216. TANGO TRISTE (2015)
3 Marimbas & Pigophone
1,5 min.
The second spinoff from von Falkenstein Suite (2014, Opus 207). The realization of another mood possibility for the Pigophone.
Not performed yet!
217. 33 BARS No. 3 (2015)
2 Pigophones & Bass Pigophone
Third time of 33 time baring (The first two was in 1996 & 2007)... Oink!
First performance:
2016-11-02 Polymeren Årslev (Denmark)
Jesper Eg Pedersen, Peter Christiansen & Peter Wallin
218. JINGLE BELLS SEXTET No. 2 (2015)
"Sleigh Ride from Hell..."
(Christmas Trilogy - Part 2)
6 Jingle Bells (with electronic effects)
137 min. (or less)
A mind torturer... Every Sleigh Bell part is to be played through a microphone, which is connected to a sound effect normally connected to electric guitars (such as f.x. Chorus, Overdrive, Flanger, Delay...). This composition can be played from start to end, or random sectionwise.
Dedicated to the Danish people at Danish Christmas Time & Bennet!
Not performed yet!
219. 33 BARS No. 4 (2016)
"Teeth clacking"
3 Vibraslaps
A natural scene from Vassijaure in the northen parts of Sweden - at mid winter time. Locked out and in your underwear only...:-)
Dedicated to Richard Strauss, Norwegian dentists & Onsakervika Camping!
First performance:
2016-09-17 Kulturskolan Lund (Sweden)
Ensemble Sonorus Cataclysmus
220. 33 BARS No. 5 (2016)
3 Tuning Forks (or more) - Three players.
Get tuned in... Why not? :-)
Dedicated to Carl-Magnus Trygg, Peer Munkgaard, Kulturskolan Lund & Genarps Kulturförening!
Not performed yet!
221. 33 BARS No. 6 (2016)
Boomwhackers Trio
2nd time - Why not? :-)
Dedicated to Ørkenens Sønner!
First performance:
2018-12-04 Allested Kirke (Denmark)
FMM All Stars
222. 33 BARS No. 7 (2016)
"May the 5th"
3 Triangles
3rd time - Why not? :-)
Lise Korsgård Ørtved came (surely as a shot from the hip...) with the idea, and I couldn´t resist to do something on that...
Dedicated to Lise Korsgård Ørtved!
Not performed yet!
223. 33 BÄRS No. 1-14 (2016)
Tone of the Day - Music of week 19
33 beer bottles/cans/whatever in 3-4 parts
A spinoff from all the previous "33 Bars" pieces. I just had to do this... :-)
Dedicated to Fredrik Wadman!
Not performed yet!
224. SWOOSH! (2016)
1 Bassoon & 2 Contrabassoons
1,5 min.
Nordiska Ungdomsorkestern (The Nordic Youth Orchestra) 2016 - with 2 contrabassoons in the woodwind section! Something had to be done - and it did... :-)
A "quickie" in the deep regions... :-) :-) & :-)
Dedicated to the NUO 2016 Bassoon Section:
Fredrik Jergle Almquist, Britta Cortabarria & Ådne Veiterberg Stålsett
First performance:
2016-06-19 Stadshallen Lund (Sweden)
Ådne Veiterberg Stålsett (Bassoon) Fredrik Jergle Almquist & Britta Cortabarria (Contrabassoon)
Not performed yet!
225. SØREN & HEIDI - HEIDI & SØREN (2016)
"Wedding Music"
Tone of the Day - Music of week 17
Original version:
Trumpet(s) in Bb (& Large String Orchestra)
Brass & Perc. version:
0000 4331 12
String version:
3,5 min.
Brass & Perc. version:
2,5 min.
Composed in celebration to the wonderful couple Søren Krog & Heidi Nielsen, and their marriage 2016-07-16 in Gislev (Denmark)
Dedicated to Søren Krog & Heidi Nielsen!
Not performed yet!